Secret STRATEGY To Catch More Big Trout

In some of my articles, I promised to tell you my secret strategy for more big trout. It’s what I do every time I’m on the water so I can put more large trout in the net than 99% of anglers.
This is the secret sauce and it can work for anyone if you know it and use it correctly.

But, since this strategy works for trout, steelhead, and salmon, I decided to give it its own article instead of putting it on multiple pages, which is too much work.
Guys, this is exactly what I do when I fish and when I’m trying to get my clients into big fish.
It’s exactly what I’m doing when my clients are landing five 20-inch brown trout when other guides and other anglers are lucky to catch just one, and when most guys catch none.
If you can master this, you will catch more trout and steelhead

But . . . . there is one absolute MUST DO, step you CAN NOT GET WRONG.
The trout catching strategy is:
- Step one: Know where to go, and when to fish. See best trout rivers in Ontario.
- Use effective methods: There is no point in dry fly fishing in cold wet conditions when no bugs are active, or using a float and bait in 12 inches of water. Assess the conditions around you and fish the most effective methods based on the conditions, or at least fish your preferred methods correctly and adjust for conditions.
- Use the right gear – Should a say more
- Use the right setup – If you’re setup sucks, i.e. wrong hook, wrong leader, wrong weights, your chances drop by 90%
- Use the right bait, fly, or lure, and use it properly – Yes, it matters a lot. If you do not know what the best lures, baits, and flies are, search for my articles on this website or on my site
- Presentation is Key (almost) – there is only one other thing that is more important than how you present your bait, fly, or lure. Brown trout are nervous, weary fish. If you present your offering incorrectly and it looks unnatural to them, you can spook them and they will go lock-jaw.
- Be Stealthy – I just said they are weary, they are cautious, and they are very in tune with their environment. I’ve been on the water guiding a client, looked a few hundred feet up the river at another angler, and said to my client, do you see that guy? There’s no chance he will catch any big fish today. Guys, if I can see from 300 feet away that an angler is not stealthy, the trout can detect it too. You must approach the trout like you’re sneaking up on a deer, or a bird, or any wild animal. If they hear you or see you, or detect you, or even determine something is out of the ordinary, you might as well leave, cause you ain’t catching them.
- The MOST IMPORTANT Thing – This is the most important thing of all… You MUST, do everything on this list right… If you screw one thing up, your chances of catching a large brown trout drop[ by 90%
It doesn’t matter if you have the most effective bait, the perfect setup, and you present the bait perfectly, if you spook them you’re not going to catch them.. Or, if you are super stealthy, it means nothing if you have the wrong setup, the wrong leader, or the wrong bait.
You must do it all, and do it all.
That’s it.
It will work for you and be a game-changer if you do it correctly.
Tight Lines